Reducing Carbon: Personal Strategies
We emit carbon when we choose to do almost anything that requires energy. Here are some personal strategies to help limit carbon emissions.
Using natural light and opening the windows (in summer without air conditioning) are great strategies for reducing energy use.

- Use natural light whenever possible. When light is needed, use energy efficient light bulbs. Turn lights off when not in use.
- Open windows to allow air circulation. Set thermostat as a reasonable temperature to decrease energy use which means setting the temperature higher in summer and colder in winter.
Walking or other human powered travel such as biking, rollerblading or skateboarding is the best strategy for reducing carbon emissions during travel.

- Ride a bicycle.
- Take public transportation such as a bus or train.
- Coordinate carpools with friends or neighbors.
- Drive an energy efficient vehicle. Vehicles that get poor gas mileage—like sport utility vehicles—are the worst choice.
We emit a lot of carbon to create and ship products, so only buy what you absolutely need and buy products grown or made locally.

- If you must buy something, consider its efficiency in terms of production and transportation.
- Fix something instead of replacing it.
- Recycle, reuse, and reduce your waste stream.