The Environmental Literacy and Inquiry Group researchers investigate how to improve environmental learning and instruction for learners in school settings, non-formal education settings, and informal learning with a focus on the role that learning technologies such as immersive virtual reality (VR) and geospatial technologies (GT) such as Google Earth and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) can play. We conduct research in these main areas:
- Designing and testing environmental literacy learning experiences and curricula that integrates technologies to promote learning.
- Assessing the impact of technology-embedded learning experiences and curriculum on learning.
We are especially interested in investigating:
- How immersive learning experiences can promote engagement and learning.
- How using learning technologies in schools can actively engage learners in developing spatial thinking and data analysis skills as they develop enduring understandings of real-world environmental problems and issues.
- How learning science with technology-integrated curriculum influences environmental attitudes and behaviors with learners.
Leeson, D., Bodzin, A., Hanson, I., Hammond, T., & Popejoy. K. (in press). Ecosystem restoration: Using maps to address environmental issues on campus. The Science Teacher.
Bodzin, A., Fu, Q., Araujo Junior, R., Hammond, T.C., Anastasio, D., and Schwartz, C. (2024). Implementation of a desktop virtual reality field trip in public outreach settings. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 83, 55405–55426.
Araujo Junior, R. (2024). Effects of a place-based digital gameful learning experience on middle school students' watershed literacy and attitudes about desktop virtual reality gameplay. Interactive Learning Environmens, 32(4), 1247-1265. DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2022.2118785.0
Hammond, T., Brown, K., Alexander, C. Weinburgh, M., Popejoy, K., Bodzin, A., Morrison, J. *Malone, D., Firestone, A., Lightner, L.K., and *Leeson, D. (2024). “Off the bench”: Three case studies of Geographic Information System (GIS) integration in high school chemistry instruction. Innovations in Science Teacher Education, 9(3). Retrieved from
Bodzin, A., Araujo Junior, R., Schwartz, C., Anastasio, D., Hammond, T., and Birchak, B. (2022). Learning about environmental issues with a desktop virtual reality field trip. Innovations in Science Teacher Education. 7(1). Retrieved from https://innovations.
Leeson, D., Hammond, T.C., Popejoy, K., Bodzin, A., Hardisky, M., & Lew, S. (2022). Eagles and wind turbines: Using maps to protect animals and increase renewable energy use. The Geography Teacher, 19(4), pp. 178-182. DOI: 10.1080/19338341.2022.2117725
Bodzin, A., Araujo Junior, R., Hammond, T., and Anastasio, D. (2021). Investigating engagement and flow with a placed-based immersive virtual reality game. Journal of Science Education and Technology. 30(3), 347-360. DOI: 10.1007/s10956-020-09870-4
Bodzin, A., Hammond, T., Fu, Q. and Farina, W. (2020). Development of instruments to assess students’ spatial learning attitudes (SLA) and interest in science, technology and geospatial technology (STEM-GEO). International Journal of Educational Methodology, 6(1), 67-81. DOI: 10.12973/ijem.6.1.67.
Hammond, T., Bodzin, A., Popejoy, K., Anastasio, D., Holland, B., & Sahagian, D. (2019). Shoulder-to-shoulder: Teacher professional development and curriculum design and development for geospatial technology integration with science and social studies teachers. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 19(2). Retrieved from
Kangas, S., Hammond, T., & Bodzin, A. M., (2019). Using geospatial technology to teach language and content to English learners. TESOL Journal, 10(2), 1–12. doi:10.1002/tesj.422.
Carrigan, J., Bodzin, A. M., Hammond, T. C., Rutzmoser, S., Popejoy, K., Farina, W., Hanson, I. Salter, S., Anastasio, D., Kangas, S., Holland, B. and Sahagian, D. (2019). Investigating urban trees. Exploring the impact of trees around our school with geospatial technologies. The Science Teacher, 86(8), 27-35.
Hammond, T.C., Bodzin, A., Anastasio, D., Holland, B., Popejoy, K., Sahagian, D., Rutzmoser, S., Carrigan, J., & Farina, W. (2018). “You know you can do this, right?”: Developing geospatial technological pedagogical content knowledge (GS-TPACK) and enhancing teachers’ cartographic behaviors with Socio-Environmental Science Investigations (SESI). Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 45(4), 305-318.
Bodzin, A., Anastasio, D., Sahagian, D., & Henry, J. B. (2016). A curriculum-linked professional development approach to support teachers’ adoption of Web GIS tectonics investigations. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 16(3).
Bodzin, A., Fu, Q., Bressler, D., & Vallera, F. (2015). Examining the enactment of Web GIS on students’ geospatial thinking and reasoning and tectonics understandings. Computers in the Schools, 32(1), 63-81.
Bodzin, A., Anastasio, D., Sahagian, D., Peffer, T., Dempsey, C., and Steelman, R. (2014). Investigating climate change understandings of urban middle school students. Journal of Geoscience Education, 62(3), 417-430.
Bodzin, A., Fu, Q., Kulo, V., and Peffer, T. (2014). Examining the enactment of a geospatial curriculum design approach on students’ geospatial thinking and reasoning. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 23(4), 562-574. DOI: 10.1007/s10956-014-9488-6
Bodzin, A., and Fu, Q. (2014). The effectiveness of the geospatial curriculum approach on urban middle level students’ climate change understandings. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 23(4), 575-590. DOI: 10.1007/s10956-013-9478-0
Burrows, J., Bodzin, A., Anastasio, D., Sahagian, D., Bressler, D., Cirruci, L., Rutzmoser, S. and Teletzke, A. (2013). Using Web GIS to enhance tectonics learning and geospatial thinking. Science Scope, 37(4), 29-37.
Bodzin, A., Fu, Q., Peffer, T., and Kulo, V. (2013). Developing energy literacy in U.S. middle level students using the geospatial curriculum approach. International Journal of Science Education, 35(9), 1561-1589. DOI: 10.1080/09500693.2013.769139
Kulo, V., and Bodzin, A. (2013). The Impact of a Geospatial Technology-Supported Energy Curriculum on Middle School Students' Science Achievement. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 22(1), 25-36. DOI: 10.1007/s10956-012-9373-0.
Kulo, V., Bodzin, A., McKeon, R., Cirucci, L., Anastasio, D., Sahagian, D., and Peffer, T. (2013). The Isle of Navitas: Planning for energy use with Web GIS. Science Scope, 36(6), 30-37.
Bodzin, A., Peffer, T. and Kulo, V. (2012). The efficacy of educative curriculum materials to support geospatial science pedagogical content knowledge. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 20(4), 361-386.
Dempsey, C., Bodzin, A., Anastasio, D., Sahagian, D. and Cirruci, L. (2012). Investigating future climate scenarios: Who will be affected by sea level rise? Science Scope, 36(4), 77-85.
Bodzin, A. (2012). Investigating urban eighth grade students’ knowledge of energy resources. International Journal of Science Education,38(7-8), 1255-1275. DOI:10.1080/09500693.2012.661483.
Dempsey, C., Bodzin, A., Cirruci, L., Anastasio, D. and Sahagian, D. (2012). Reconstructing environmental change using lake varves as a climate proxy. Science Scope, 35(7), 42-47.
Kulo, V., and Bodzin, A. (2011). Integrating geospatial technologies in an energy unit. Journal of Geography 110(6), 239-251.
Bodzin, A. (2011). The Implementation of a Geospatial Information Technology (GIT)-supported Land Use Change Curriculum with Urban Middle School Learners to Promote Spatial Thinking. Journal of Research in Science Teaching,48(3), 281-300.
Bodzin, A., and Cirruci, L. (2009). Integrating geospatial technologies to examine urban land use change: A design partnership. Journal of Geography, 108(4-5), 186-197.
Bodzin, A., and Cirruci, L. (2009). A land use planning simulation using Google Earth. Science Scope, 32(7), 30-38.
Popejoy, K., Hammond, T.C., Malone, D., Morrison, J., Firestone, J., Bodzin, A.M., Leeson, D., Brown, K., Alexander, C., Weinburgh, M. (2023). Integrating ArcGIS digital technologies for learning: Three case studies from university design partnerships with teachers. In S. Asim, J. Ellis, D. Slykhuis, and J. Trumble (eds.), Theoretical and practical teaching strategies for K-12 science education in the digital age (pp. 98-115). IGI.
Bodzin, A., Anastasio, D., & Sahagian, D. (2015). Using Web GIS to promote geospatial thinking and reasoning skills. In K. Finson & J. Pedersen (Eds.) Application of Visual Data in K-16 Science Classrooms. (263-284). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Kulo, V., Bodzin, A., McKeon, R., Anastasio, D., Peffer, T., & Sahagian, D. (2013). The Isle of Navitas: Towards a better understanding of energy and decision-making using GIS. In Learning Environments: Technologies, Challenges and Impact Assessment. (pp. 49-66). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Bodzin, A., Araujo-Junior, R., Hammond, T., Pan, Z., Anastasio, D., Burd, J., Jhaveri, K., and Le, Q. (2024). Designing for headset VR from a longer desktop VR learning experience: Watershed Explorers: Industrial History. In MacDowell, P., Moon, J., Wilson, D., Pedrosa, D., Beck, D., Bourguet, M.L., Dengel, A., Ghannam, R., Miller, A., Peña-Rios, A. & Richter, J. (Eds.) Immersive Learning Research Network. Practitioner Proceedings of 10th International Conference, iLRN 2024, Online & Glasgow, Scotland, UK, June 3-5, 2024 (online) & June 10-13, 2024 (in person). pp. 52–55. Immersive Learning Research Network. ISBN 978-1-7348995-8-0
Pan, Z., Araujo-Junior, R., Bodzin, A., Hammond, T., Anastasio, D., Chen, N., Wong, L., Yee, B., and Asibuo, P. (2024). Optimizing desktop VR for immersive experiences through user-centered design approach. In MacDowell, P., Moon, J., Wilson, D., Pedrosa, D., Beck, D., Bourguet, M.L., Dengel, A., Ghannam, R., Miller, A., Peña-Rios, A. & Richter, J. (Eds.) Immersive Learning Research Network. Practitioner Proceedings of 10th International Conference, iLRN 2024, Online & Glasgow, Scotland, UK, June 3-5, 2024 (online) & June 10-13, 2024 (in person). pp. 56-59. Immersive Learning Research Network. ISBN 978-1-7348995-8-0
Cui, Y., Araujo-Junior, R., & Bodzin, A. (2024). Creating an immersive wayfinding VR experience using design thinking and Uptale. In MacDowell, P., Moon, J., Wilson, D., Pedrosa, D., Beck, D., Bourguet, M.L., Dengel, A., Ghannam, R., Miller, A., Peña-Rios, A. & Richter, J. (Eds.) Immersive Learning Research Network. Practitioner Proceedings of 10th International Conference, iLRN 2024, Online & Glasgow, Scotland, UK, June 3-5, 2024 (online) & June 10-13, 2024 (in person). pp. 66–68. Immersive Learning Research Network. ISBN 978-1-7348995-8-0.
Hu, X., Zhu, J., Araujo-Junior, R., Cicero, T., Bodzin, A., Hammond, T., Anastasio, D., Pan, Z., & Schwartz, C. (2024). Mystery of Lehigh Gap: Interaction and dialogue systems. In MacDowell, P., Moon, J., Wilson, D., Pedrosa, D., Beck, D., Bourguet, M.L., Dengel, A., Ghannam, R., Miller, A., Peña-Rios, A. & Richter, J. (Eds.) Immersive Learning Research Network. Practitioner Proceedings of 10th International Conference, iLRN 2024, Online & Glasgow, Scotland, UK, June 3-5, 2024 (online) & June 10-13, 2024 (in person). pp. 85–88. ISBN 978-1-7348995-8-0.
Bodzin, A., Araujo-Junior, R., Hammond, T., Anastasio, D., Schwartz, C. (2024). Evaluating the Efficacy of a Desktop Virtual Reality Field Trip for Public Outreach. In: Bourguet, ML., Krüger, J.M., Pedrosa, D., Dengel, A., Peña-Rios, A., Richter, J. (eds) Immersive Learning Research Network. iLRN 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1904, pp. 411-425. Springer, Cham.
Araujo Junior, R., Pan, Z., Bodzin, A., Semmens, K., Hammond, T., Anastasio, D., Sechrist, S., Lerro, N., *Rubin, E., and Vogel, J. (2024). Flood Adventures: Evaluation Study of Final Prototype. In: Bourguet, ML., Krüger, J.M., Pedrosa, D., Dengel, A., Peña-Rios, A., Richter, J. (eds) Immersive Learning Research Network. iLRN 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1904, pp. 426-435. Springer, Cham.
Cicero, T., Hu, X., Zhu, J., Araujo-Junior, R., Bodzin, A., Hammond, T., Anastasio, D. and Pan, Z. (2023). Mystery of the Lehigh Gap: Summary of the visual aspects designed and developed for the dialogue system for desktop VR game. Immersive Learning Research - Practitioner, 1(1), 99–102. Retrieved from DOI: ISBN 978-1-7348995-6-6/23
Bodzin, A., Araujo Junior, R., Straw, K., Huang, S., Zalatan, B., Semmens, K., Anastasio, D., and Hammond, T. (2022). Flood Adventures: A flood preparedness simulation game. In Dengel, A., Bourguet, M.L., Pedrosa, D., Hutson, J., Erenli, K., Economou, D., Peña-Rios, A. & Richter, J. (Eds.). (pp. 210-214). Proceedings of 2022 8th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), Online and Vienna, May 30 - June 4, 2022. Immersive Learning Research Network. ISBN 978-1-7348995-2-8/22
Araujo Junior, R., and Bodzin, A. (2022). Supporting watershed literacy with a desktop virtual reality exploration game. In Dengel, A., Bourguet, M.L., Pedrosa, D., Hutson, J., Erenli, K., Economou, D., Peña-Rios, A. & Richter, J. (Eds.). (pp. 204-209). Proceedings of 2022 8th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), Online and Vienna, May 30 - June 4, 2022. Immersive Learning Research Network. ISBN 978-1-7348995-2-8/22
Bodzin, A., Araujo Junior, R., Koelsch, J., Arnoat Perez, M., Agarwal, U., Escobar, M., Schwartz, C., Anastasio, D., Hammond, T., Birchak, B., Bao, J., Chen, Y., Cicero, T., Hu, X., Rovella, E. J., Sary, L., Silverman, M., and Whitney, H. (2002). The Mystery of the Lehigh Gap: Game-based VR for informal learning. In MacDowell, P., Moon, J., Hutson, J., Erenli, K., Economou, D., Pena-Rios, A., & Richter, J. (Eds.). (pp. 71-77). Proceedings of 2022 8th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), Online and Vienna, May 30 - June 4, 2022. Immersive Learning Research Network. ISBN 978-1-7348995-2-8/22
Araujo Junior, R., Bodzin, A., Hammond, T., Anastasio, D., Lam, B., Mack, J., Meyer, D., Neitz, R., Semmens, K., Schwartz, C., and Slipp, J. (2021). Watershed Explorers: Designing a virtual reality game to promote local watershed literacy. In Economou, D., Peña-Rios, A., Dengel, A., Doods, H., Mentzelopoulos, M., Klippel, A., Erenli, K., Lee, M. J. W. & Richter, J. (Eds.) (pp.105-107). Proceedings of 2021 7th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), Online, June 21 - June 25, 2020. Immersive Learning Research Network. ISBN 978-1-7348995-2-8/21
Bodzin, A., Araujo Junior, R., Hammond, T., and Anastasio, D. (2020). An immersive virtual reality game designed to promote learning engagement and flow. In Proceedings of 2020 6th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), Online, May 17 - June 10, 2021. (pp. 193-198). Immersive Learning Research Network. ISBN 978-1-7348995-0-4/20/
Araujo Junior, R., and Bodzin, A. (2020). Immersive virtual reality design considerations to promote learning for English language learners. In Proceedings of 2020 6th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), Online, May 17 - June 10, 2021. (pp. 251-254) Immersive Learning Research Network. ISBN 978-1-7348995-0-4/20/
Bodzin, A., Araujo Junior, R. M., Anastasio, D., Hammond, T., Kangas, S., Lindstrom, E., Rutzmoser, S., and Vallera, F. (June, 2019). A Virtual Reality Game to Identify Locations in the Lehigh River Watershed. In Beck, D., Peña-Rios, A., Ogle, T., Economou, D., Mentzelopoulos, M., Morgado, L., Eckhardt, C., Pirker, J., Koitz-Hristov, R., Richter, J., Gütl, C., Gardner, M. (Eds.), (pp.148-150). Proceedings from the Fifth Immersive Learning Research Network Conference (iLRN) London, UK. Graz University of Technology publishing house, Austria. ISSN 2415-1475 ISBN (e-book) 978-3-85125-657-4 DOI
Araujo Junior, R., Bodzin, A., Hammond, T., Anastasio, D., Rutzmoser, S., Vallera, F., Sadat, B., Yeung, B., and Levy, H. (June, 2019). Lehigh River Watershed VR: The Lehigh Gap immersive virtual field trip. In Beck, D., Peña-Rios, A., Ogle, T., Economou, D., Mentzelopoulos, M., Morgado, L., Eckhardt, C., Pirker, J., Koitz-Hristov, R., Richter, J., Gütl, C., Gardner, M. (Eds.), (pp.151-153). Proceedings from the Fifth Immersive Learning Research Network Conference (iLRN) London, UK. Graz University of Technology publishing house, Austria. ISSN 2415-1475 ISBN (e-book) 978-3-85125-657-4 DOI
Bodzin, A., Araujo-Junior, R., Hammond, T., Pan, Z., Anastasio, D., *Burd, J., Jhaveri, K., and Le, Q. (June, 2024). Designing for headset VR from a longer desktop VR learning experience: Watershed Explorers: Industrial History. Paper presented at the 2024 Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) Conference in VR and Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
Pan, Z., Araujo-Junior, R., Bodzin, A., Hammond, T., Anastasio, D., Chen, N., *Wong, L., Yee, B., and Asibuo, P. (June, 2024). Optimizing desktop VR for immersive experiences through user-centered design approach. Paper presented at the 2024 Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) Conference in VR and Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
Cui, Y., Araujo-Junior, R., & Bodzin, A. (June, 2024). Creating an immersive wayfinding VR experience using design thinking and Uptale. Poster presented at the 2024 Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) Conference in VR and Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
Hu, X., Zhu, J., Araujo-Junior, R., Cicero, T., Bodzin, A., Hammond, T., Anastasio, D., Pan, Z., & Schwartz, C. (June, 2024). Mystery of Lehigh Gap: Interaction and dialogue systems. Poster presented at the 2024 Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) Conference in VR and Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
Hammond, T.C., Popejoy, K.L., Bodzin, A.M., Morrison, J.A., Brown, K.A., Weinburgh, M.H., Firestone, J.B., Alexander, R.C., Malone, D.J., *Leeson, D.M. (April, 2024). Advancing teachers’ geospatial TPACK via an integrated professional & curriculum development program: A multi-year study. Poster presented at the 2024 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA.
Bodzin, A., Fu, Q., Araujo Junior, R., Hammond, T., Anastasio, D., and Schwartz, C. (January, 2024). Learning with a desktop Virtual Reality field trip in public outreach settings. Paper presented at the 2024 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA.
Weinburgh, M., Brown, K., Alexander, C. Morrison, J. Malone, D., Firestone, A., Lightner, L.K., Popejoy, K., Bodzin, A., Hammond, T. and Leeson, D. (January, 2024). Using geographic information systems (GIS) in high school chemistry: Three case studies of socio-environmental science instruction. Paper presented at the 2024 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA.
Araujo Junior, R., Pan, Z., Bodzin, A., Semmens, K., Hammond, T., Anastasio, D., Sechrist, S., Lerro, N., Rubin, E., and Vogel, J. (May-June, 2023). Flood Adventures: Evaluation of final prototype. Paper presented at the 2023 Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) Conference in VR and San Luis Obispo, USA.
Bodzin, A., Araujo Junior, R., Hammond, T., Anastasio, D., and Schwartz, C. (May-June, 2023). Evaluating the efficacy of a desktop virtual reality field trip for public outreach. Paper presented at the 2023 Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) Conference in VR and San Luis Obispo, USA.
Cicero, T., Hu, X., Zhu, J., Araujo-Junior, R., Bodzin, A., Hammond, T., Anastasio, D. and Pan, Z. (May-June, 2023). Mystery of the Lehigh Gap: Summary of the visual aspects designed and developed for the dialogue system for desktop VR game. Poster presented at the 2023 Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) Conference in VR and San Luis Obispo, USA. Retrieved from
Hammond, T.C., Popejoy, K., Bodzin, A.M., & Leeson, D. (2023, April). Passing the Thresholds Teachers as Curricular Innovators with Geospatial Tools in High School Science & Social Studies. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Chicago, IL
Malone, D.J., Popejoy, K., Weinburgh, M., Brown, K., Firestone, J., Bodzin, A., & Hammond, T. (2023, April). Using a Teacher Learning Progression of Instructional Skills to Examine Geospatial Curriculum Adoption. Roundtable presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, NARST 2023 annual conference. Chicago, IL.
Alexander, C. & Hammond, T. (2023, March). Creating hands-on geospatial data collection strategies with ArcGIS. Presented as a roundtable discussion at the SITE Annual Conference in New Orleans, LA.
Hammond, T., Popejoy, K., *Leeson, D, and Bodzin, A. (March, 2023). Sequenced instructional templates for curriculum-aligned use of GIS: Bringing GIS adoption “within sight”?. Paper presented at the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) in New Orleans, La.
Bodzin, A., Araujo-Junior, R., Hammond, T., Anastasio, D., Mayer, D., Schwartz, C., Semmens, K., Neitz, R., and Birchak, B. (January, 2023). Watershed Explorers: A digital gameful learning experience. Paper presented at the 2023 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, UT.
Popejoy, K., Morrison, J. Weinburgh, M., Brown, K., Malone, D., Bodzin, A., Firestone, A., Leeson, D., Hammond, T. and Alexander, C. (January, 2023). Socio-environmental science investigation to promote geospatial thinking: Integrating ArcGIS digital technologies for learning. Paper presented at the 2023 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, UT.
Hammond, T.C., & Stefanovich, E. (2022, December). GIS for All Seasons: Using ArcGIS Across Disciplines & Modalities in Social Studies and Beyond. Presented as a Poster at the annual conference of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), Philadelphia, PA.
Anastasio, D., Araujo-Junior, R., Bodzin, A., Hammond, T., Schwartz, C., Birchak, B., Koelsch, J., and Anoat Perez, M. (October, 2022). The Mystery of the Lehigh Gap: A VR educational game. Poster presented at the 2022 Geological Society of America (GSA) annual meeting in Denver, Colorado.
Bodzin, A., Araujo Junior, R., Straw, K., Huang, S., Zalatan, B., Semmens, K., Anastasio, D., and Hammond, T. (May 2022). Flood Adventures: A flood preparedness simulation game. Paper presented at the 2022 Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) Conference in VR and Vienna, Austria. Presentation video.
Araujo Junior, R., and Bodzin, A. (May, 2022). Supporting watershed literacy with a desktop virtual reality exploration game. Paper presented at the 2022 Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) Conference in VR and Vienna, Austria. Presentation video.
Bodzin, A., Araujo Junior, R., Koelsch, J., Arnoat Perez, M., Agarwal, U., Escobar, M., Schwartz, C., Anastasio, D., Hammond, T., Birchak, B., Bao, J., Chen, Y., Cicero, T., Hu, X., Rovella, E. J., Sary, L., Silverman, M., and Whitney, H. (May, 2002). The Mystery of the Lehigh Gap: Game-based VR for informal learning. Poster presented at the 2022 Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) Conference in VR and Vienna, Austria. Presentation video.
Popejoy, K., Leeson, D., Bodzin, A., and Hammond, T. (April, 2022). Retreat to online? Adapting to online professional development and curriculum development to promote geospatial inquiry. Roundtable presented at the 2022 American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting in San Diego, CA and online.
Alexander, C., Weinburgh, M., Brown, K., Hammond, T., Popejoy, K. & Leeson, D. (2022, April). Strategies for Building Hands-On Data Collection Activities for Students. Presented as a Brief Paper at the annual meeting of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), San Diego, CA.
Popejoy, K., Hammond, T. Bodzin, A., Morrison, J.A., and Weinburgh, M. (March, 2022). Advancing teachers' geospatial TPACK: Three universities' professional development initiatives. Paper presented at the 2022 National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST) Annual International Conference in Vancouver, Canada.
Bodzin, A., Araujo Junior, R., Schwartz, C., Anastasio, D., Hammond, T., and Birchak, B. (January, 2022). Learning about environmental issues with a desktop virtual reality field trip. Paper presented at the 2022 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) Annual Meeting in Greenville, SC.
Popejoy, K., Bodzin, A., Hammond, T., and Leeson, D. (January, 2022). Adapting to online professional development and curriculum development to promote geospatial inquiry. Paper presented at the 2022 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) Annual Meeting in Greenville, SC.
Hammond, T.C., Salter, S., Popejoy, K., Bodzin, A., & Leeson, D. (2021, December). Tried and Pretty True! Tactics for Highly Effective Teacher Professional Development With GIS. Presented as a Session at the virtual annual meeting of the National Council for Geographic Education (NCGE).
Hammond, T., Popejoy, K., Hardisky, M., Stefanovich, E., & Leeson, D. (2021, November). Urban Tree Canopy and Social Justice: Interdisciplinary Geospatial Social Studies. Presented as a Session at the annual conference of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), online.
Alexander, C., Hammond, T., Popejoy, K., Valverde, E., Stroup, M., Weinburgh, M., Brown, K., & Leeson, D. (2021, November). Cultural Heritage Mapping with GIS in Two U.S. Cities. Presented as a Session at the annual conference of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), online.
Hammond, T., & Macduff, T. (2021, June). Around the World in 11 Days: A Balloon, HAM Radio, and GIS in a STEM Classroom. Presentation at the Esri EduSummit (online).
Popejoy, K., Stefanovich, E., Carter, S., Hanson, I., Hammond, T., & Leeson, D. (2021, June). The ‘G’ Stands for Get-to-Know-You: Social Uses of ArcGIS in Online Teaching. Presentation at the Esri EduSummit (online).
Firestone, J.B., Leeson, D., Malone, D., & Popejoy, K. (2021, June) Advancing Teachers' Geospatial TPACK in Fully Online Environments. Poster presentation at the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) virtual conference.
Hammond, T., Carter, S., Hanson, I., & Leonard, V. (2021, June). Here, There and Everywhere: Local Geospatial Inquiry Learning During Online Education. Interactive lecture presented at the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) virtual conference.
Bodzin, A., Araujo Junior, R., Schwartz, C., Anastasio, D., Hammond, T., and Birchak, B. (May, 2021). The Lehigh Gap story: A design partnership for developing an immersive virtual reality field trip. Presentation presented at the 2021 Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) Conference online and in VR. Presentation video.
Araujo Junior, R., Bodzin, A., Hammond, T., Anastasio, D., Lam, B., Mack, J., Meyer, D., Neitz, R., Semmens, K., Schwartz, C., and Slipp, J. (May, 2021). Watershed explorers: Designing a virtual reality game to promote local watershed literacy. Poster presented at the 2021 Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) Conference online and in VR. Game advertisement video.
Bodzin, A., Araujo Junior, R., Hammond, T., and Anastasio, D. (January, 2021). Investigating engagement and flow with a placed-based immersive virtual reality game. Paper presented at the 2021 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) Annual Meeting online.
Hammond, T., Popejoy, K., Bodzin, A., & Leeson, D. (November, 2020). Adapting models of teacher training and curriculum development for online geospatial inquiry in high school science and social studies classrooms. Paper presented at the 2020 Innovate Learning Summit online.
Anastasio, D., Bodzin, A., Hammond, T., Araujo Junior, R., & Lam, B. (October, 2020). Immersive virtual reality (IVR) game of the Lehigh River Watershed, PA. Presentation presented at the 2020 Geological Society of America (GSA) annual meeting online.
Bodzin, A., Araujo Junior, R., Hammond, T., & Anastasio, A. (June, 2020). An immersive virtual reality game designed to promote learning engagement and flow. Paper presented at the 2020 Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) Conference Online.
Araujo Junior, R., & Bodzin, A. (June, 2020). Immersive Virtual Reality Design Considerations to Promote Learning for English Language Learners. Short paper presented at the 2020 Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) Conference Online. (Poster)
Bodzin, A., Hammond, T., Fu, Q., & Farina, W. (April, 2020). Optimizing Instruments for Students’ Spatial Learning Attitudes (SLA) and Interest in Science, Technology and Geospatial Technology (STEM-GEO). Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting in San Francisco, CA.
Popejoy, K., Bodzin, A., Hammond, T., Fu, Q, & Farina, W. (January, 2020). The impact of STEM mentors in technology-driven socio-environmental science investigations. Presented at the 2020 Association for Science Teacher Education Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX.
Bodzin, A., Firestone, J.B., Lamb, R., & Araujo Junior, R.M. (January, 2020). Teaching science with immersive virtual reality. Exploratory session presented at the 2020 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX. (main slides) ( Al slides) (Videocast)
Anastasio, A., Bodzin, A., Araujo Junior, R.M., & Hammond, T.C. (December, 2019). An Immersive virtual reality learning game to explore the Lehigh River watershed, PA. Poster presented at the 2019 American Geophysical Union (AGU) annual meeting in San Francisco, CA.
Hammond, T.C., Bodzin, A.M., & Salter S. (2019, November). Geography and Civic Inquiry: Spatial Analysis of the Built Environment. Presented as a session at the annual conference of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), Austin, TX.
Hammond, T.C., Bodzin, A.M., & Salter, S. (2019, November). Tools for Geographic Inquiry: Data to Map to Story. Workshop presented at the annual conference of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), Austin, TX. (webpage)
Hammond, T.C., Salter, S., & Bodzin, A. (2019, November). From STEM Education to Civic Engagement: Localized Geographic Inquiry Taking Students Beyond the Classroom. Presented as a paper at the annual meeting of the College and University Faculty of the National Council for the Social Studies (CUFA-NCSS), Austin, TX.
Hammond, T.C., Popejoy, K., Salter, S., Hanson, I., Bodzin, A., Anastasio, D., Holland, B., Sahagian, D., Rutzmoser, S., Carrigan, J., & Farina, W. (2019, July). Promoting Geospatial Analysis in High School: Urban Heat Island Investigation. Presentation at the Esri Education Summit, San Diego, CA.
Hammond, T.C., Farina, W., Bodzin, A., Holland, B., Lopez, E., Carrigan, J., Popejoy, K., Rutzmoser, S., & Salter, S. (2019, July). Geography and Civics in Action: Studying Zoning and Built Environment with WebGIS. Presentation at the Esri Education Summit, San Diego, CA.
Salter, S., Bodzin, A., Hammond, T.C., Hanson, I., Farina, W., Araujo Junior, R. M. , Fu, Q., Popejoy, K., Anastasio, D., Holland, B., Sahagian, D., & Rutzmoser, S. (2019, July). Promoting Geospatial Technologies with Socio-Environmental Science Investigations. Presentation at the Esri Education Summit, San Diego, CA.
Bodzin, A., Araujo Junior, R. M., Anastasio, D., Hammond, T., Kangas, S., Lindstrom, E., Rutzmoser, S., and Vallera, F. (June, 2019). A Virtual Reality Game to Identify Locations in the Lehigh River Watershed. Poster presented at the 5th Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) Conference at the University of Westminster in London, UK.
Araujo Junior, R. M. , Bodzin, A., Hammond, T., Anastasio, D., Rutzmoser, S., Vallera, F., Sadat, B., Yeung, B., and Levy, H. (June, 2019). Lehigh River Watershed VR: The Lehigh Gap immersive virtual field trip. Poster presented at the 5th Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) Conference at the University of Westminster in London, UK.
Bodzin, A., Anastasio, D., Hammond, T., Holland, B., and Popejoy, K. (June, 2019). Socio-environmental science investigations using the geospatial curriculum approach with Web Geographical Information Systems.Poster presented at the 2019 NSF ITEST Principal Investigator and Evaluator Summit in Alexandria, VA.
Bodzin, A. (June, 2019). Focus on the environment: Socio-environmental science investigations. Round table presented at the 2019 NSF ITEST Principal Investigator and Evaluator Summit in Alexandria, VA.
Bodzin, A., Hammond, T., Fu, Q., Farina, W., and Popejoy, K. (April, 2019). The Implementation of Socio-environmental science investigations using mobile learning and Web GIS: Pilot test findings. Paper presented at the 2019 National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) Annual International Conference in Baltimore, MD.
Hammond, T., and Bodzin, A. (March 2019). So what happens when the funding runs out? Professional development for sustainable geospatial technology integration initiatives. Paper presented at the 2019 Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, NV.
Araujo Junior, R. M., Bodzin, A., Hammond, T., Popejoy, K., Anastasio, D., Holland, B., Sahagian, D., Rutzmoser, S., Carrigan, J., and Farina, W. (February, 2019). Geospatial Inquiry & Civic buildup with SESI. Integrating Curricula With Geospatial Technologies. Presentation at the Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference (PETE&C) annual meeting in Hershey, PA.
Sadat, B., Araujo Junior, R. M., Bodzin, A., Hammond, T., Anastasio, D., Rutzmoser, S., Vallera, F., Yeung, B., & Levy, H. (2019). Building & Teaching with Immersive VR. Presentation at the Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference (PETE&C) annual meeting in Hershey, PA.
Bodzin, A., Popejoy, K., Hammond, T., Anastasio, D., Holland, B., and Sahagian, D. (January, 2019). A design partnership to support teachers’ adoption of technology-integrated curriculum. Paper presented at the 2019 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) Annual Meeting in Savannah, GA.
Bodzin, A., Anastasio, A., Sahagian, D., Popejoy, K., Hammond, T., Holland, B., and Rutzmoser, S. (December, 2018). A Design Partnership for Socio-Environmental Science Investigations. Presented at the 2018 American Geophysical Union (AGU) annual meeting in Washington, DC. Invited presentation.
Bodzin, A., Anastasio, D., Vallera, F., Hammond, T., Rutzmoser, S., and Araujo Junior, R. M. (December, 2018). Developing an Immersive virtual reality environment to explore the Lehigh Gap. Presentation presented at the 2018 American Geophysical Union (AGU) annual meeting in Washington, DC.
Sahagian, D., Bodzin, A., Anastasio, A., Popejoy, K., Hammond, T., Holland, B., Rutzmoser, S., Farina, W., Salter, S., and Hanson, I. (December, 2018). Using geospatial technologies inside and outside the high school classroom to enhance understanding of socio-environmental concepts in an urban environment. Poster presented at the 2018 American Geophysical Union (AGU) annual meeting in Washington, DC.
Bodzin, A., Popejoy, K., Hammond, T., Anastasio, D., Holland, B., Sahagian, D., Rutzmoser, S., Carrigan, J., and Farina, W. (July, 2018). Socio-Environmental Science Investigations: Hands-on Active Learning with Geospatial Technologies. Paper presented at the 2018 Hands-on Science Conference (HSCI) in Barcelona, Spain.
Bodzin, A., Anastasio, D., Hammond, T., Holland, B., Popejoy, K., Rutzmoser, S., Sahagian, D., and Fu, Q. (May, 2018). Socio-environmental science investigations using the geospatial curriculum approach with Web GIS. Poster presented at the 2018 NSF ITEST Principal Investigator and Evaluator Summit in Alexandria, VA.
Rutzmoser, S. (January, 2013). Leveraging Web-based geospatial tools in the classroom. Presentation presented at the 2013 EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference in Baltimore, MD
Cirucci, L., Bodzin, A., Teletzke, A., Anastasio, D., Sahagian, D., Rutzmoser, S. and Bressler, D. (July, 2012). Enhancing tectonics learning with Web GIS. Paper presented at the 2012 Esri Education GIS Conference in San Diego, CA.
Rutzmoser, S. (July, 2012). Target everyone: Expanding your audience with he Javascript API. Session presented at the 2012 Esri Education GIS Conference in San Diego, CA. Session slides.
Zalles, D., Short, J., Duggan-Haas, D., Bodzin, A., Krumhansl, R., Wyner, Y., Berkowitz, A., & Almquist, H. (2012, June). Using scientific data sets to teach STEM topics, support student learning, and develop an understanding about the nature of science. Symposium presented at the 2012 Discovery Research PI meeting in Arlington, VA. Session slides.
Teletzke, A., Kulo, V., Bodzin, A., Anastasio, D., Sahagian, D., & McKeon, R. (2011, October). Designing learning activities to teach spatially with Web GIS. Abstracts with programs v. 42 (7), Paper No.163-3. Presentation presented at the 2011 Geological Society of America Annual Conference in Minneapolis, MN. Abstract.
Bodzin, A., Kulo, V., Cirucci, L., Anastasio, D., Sahagian, D., & Peffer, T., (2011, June). Teaching “spatially” with geospatial learning technologies to investigate environmental issues. Presentation presented at the 2011 International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Annual Conference in Philadelphia, PA. Session handout.
Kulo, V., Bodzin, A., Cirucci, L., Anastasio, D., Sahagian, D., & Peffer, T., (2011, June). Integrating geospatial technologies with inquiry-based learning to investigate energy. Presentation presented at the 2011 International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Annual Conference in Philadelphia, PA. Session handout.
Kulo, V., & Bodzin, A. (2011, April). Integrating geospatial technologies in an inquiry energy unit with urban middle school students. Paper presented at the 2011 National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL. Session slides.
Peffer, T., and Bodzin, A. (2011, January). The geospatial science technological pedagogical content knowledge PD model: First year implementation findings. Presented at the 2011 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN. Session slides.
Bodzin, A. (2010, March). Investigating land use change environmental issues with Google Earth and satellite imagery. Presentation presented at the 2010 National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) National Conference on Science Education in Philadelphia, PA. Session handout.
Peffer, T., Bodzin, A., Kulo, V., Sahagian, D., Anastasio, D., & Cirruci, L. (2010, March). The Personal Energy Audit activity: Analyzing personal energy use, resource availability, and conservation practices. Presentation presented at the 2010 National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) National Conference on Science Education in Philadelphia, PA. Session handout.
Kulo, V., Bodzin, A., Anastasio, D., Cirruci, L. Sahagian, D., & Peffer, T. (2010, March). Using Google Earth to Investigate Energy Resources. Presentation presented at the 2010 National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) National Conference on Science Education in Philadelphia, PA. Session handout.
Bodzin, A., & Cirucci, L. (2009, June). Teaching “spatially” with Google Earth to investigate land use issues. Bring Your Own Laptop presentation presented at the 2009 National Educational Computing Conference (NECC) in Washington, DC. Presentation slides.
Kulo, V., Bodzin, A., Peffer, T., Anastasio, D., & Sahagian, D. (2009, June). Using GIS in the classroom to investigate energy. Bring Your Own Laptop presentation presented at the 2009 National Educational Computing Conference (NECC) in Washington, DC. Session handout.
Bodzin, A., & Cirucci, L. (2008, March). Integrating Technology-based Tools to Investigate Environmental Change. Paper presented at the 2008 National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) National Conference on Science Education in Boston, MA. Session handout.
Bodzin, A. (2008, January). Introduction to using geospatial technologies to promote spatial thinking. Workshop presented at the 2008 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) Annual Meeting in St. Louis, MO.
Bodzin, A., Hammond, T., Fu, Q., Farina, W., and Popejoy, K. (April, 2019). The Implementation of Socio-environmental science investigations using mobile learning and Web GIS: Pilot test findings. Paper presented at the 2019 National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) Annual International Conference in Baltimore, MD.