Reducing Carbon: National Strategies

In order to drastically lower carbon emissions nationwide, the country needs to make significant policy changes and infrastructure upgrades in order to promote conservation.

Tax Carbon-Based Energy Use

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America consumes over 80% of its energy from fossil fuels. Fossil fuels such as oil and coal release carbon dioxide as they are burned to generate heat for energy. Every demand sector--such as transportation, industry, residential, and commercial—relies heavily on these carbon-based energy sources. In order to promote carbon conservation, the country could implement a tax on carbon-based energy use to encourage its responsible use.

Convert to Non-Fossil Energy Sources

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Currently, sustainable energy sources represent only a small percentage of overall energy consumption in the U.S. Yet, there are many of these non-fossil energy sources available such as wind, water, and sunlight. By converting to non-fossil energy sources, the country could reduce carbon emissions dramatically.

Upgrade National Rail System

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The country needs to upgrade the national rail system so that it provides convenient, cost-effective ground transportation. Right now, people often choose automobiles for personal transportation and trucks for moving freight. With an improved rail system, more people and more freight could move around the country while lowering carbon emissions considerably.