2006 Regional Energy Production in the United States

The charts below show the different energy sources produced in 2006 in five states. These states represent different regions of the USA; California is on the West Coast, Illinois is located in the Mid-West, Pennsylvania is in the Northeast, Texas is in the South, and Washington is in the Northwest. Some states produced bothsustainable (renewable) and non-renewable energy. Sustainable (renewable) energy resources can be replaced by nature. They include solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, tidal, and biomass/biofuels. Non-renewable energy resources can never be replaced once they are used up. They include coal, petroleum (crude oil), natural gas, and nuclear energy.

Pie chart of 2006 California energy production

Pie chart of 2006 Illinois energy production

Pie chart of 2006 Pennsylvania energy production

Pie chart of 2006 Texas energy production

Pie chart of 2006 Washington energy production