Day 1 PretestClimate Change Pretest (PDF / MS Word)Climate Change Pretest Key (PDF / MS Word) Day 2 Investigating Weather and Climate with Google EarthWeather and Climate Student Investigation Sheet Assessment (PDF / MS Word) Day 3 Earth Systems and AtmosphereEarth Systems and Atmosphere Assessment (PDF / MS Word) Day 4 Atmospheric Gases Atmospheric Composition of Clean Dry Air Assessment (PDF / MS Word) Day 5 Greenhouse Gases Greenhouse Gases Assessment (PDF / MS Word) Day 6 Investigating Albedo Albedo Lab Assessment (PDF / MS Word) Days 7 and 8 Planetary Energy BalancePlanetary Energy Balance Assessment (PDF / MS Word) Day 9 Investigating Weather with Google Earth Investigating Weather with Google Earth Assessment (PDF / MS Word) Day 10 Carbon Cycle Carbon Cycle Assessment (PDF / MS Word) Day 11 Greenhouse Effect Lab Greenhouse Effect Lab Assessment (PDF / MS Word) Day 12 Climate Proxies Tree Rings Assessment (PDF / MS Word) Days 13 and 14 Paleoclimate Reconstruction LabPaleoclimate Reconstruction Teacher Guide (PDF / MS Word)Paleoclimate Reconstruction Core Data Assessment (PDF / MS Word) Day 15 Interactive Geologic Timeline Activity Geologic Timeline Student Exploration Sheet Assessment (PDF / MS Word) Day 16 Carbon Calculator Activity Carbon Calculator Student Investigation Sheet Assessment (PDF / MS Word) Day 17 Investigating Earth's Climate Hot Spots Investigating Earth's Climate Hot Spots Investigation Sheet Assessment (PDF / MS Word) Days 18 and 19 Investigating Future World Scenarios Investigating Future World Scenarios Part 1 Assessment (PDF / MS Word) Investigating Future World Scenarios Part 2 Assessment (PDF / MS Word) Day 20 Carbon Reduction Strategies Carbon Reduction Strategies Assessment (PDF / MS Word) Day 21 Posttest Climate Change Posttest (PDF / MS Word)Climate Change Posttest Key (PDF / MS Word)