
Students will complete the energy content knowledge and attitude and behavior pretest assessments.
Introduction to Energy unit.
1. Instruct students to complete the pretest assessments.
1. Instruct students to complete the pretest assessments.
2. After all students have completed the assessments, flip on and off a light switch. Ask students to diagram in their journal how the light comes on. Prompt students to think about the sources of electricity and how the electricity arrives at the light.
3. Ask students aloud "What is energy? Where does it come from?"
4. Discuss aloud student responses. Identify and clarify any misconceptions. Respond to any questions students have.
4. Discuss aloud student responses. Identify and clarify any misconceptions. Respond to any questions students have.
Materials Needed:
Energy Unit Content Knowledge Pretest (PDF / MS Word)
Energy Unit Attitude and Behavior Pretest (PDF / MS Word)
Assessment Information
Energy Unit Content Knowledge Pretest Key (PDF / MS Word)
Teacher Resources/Content Support