About Nuclear Energy
Students will learn how nuclear power is generated and how nuclear chain reactions occur.

1. Begin class by asking students to respond to the following question in their journal: What is nuclear energy?
2. Show the Nuclear Reactors video clip. We recommend that you download the file (nuclear_reactors.mov) from the Web site and play locally on your computer at double size.
3. Inform students that they will learn about nuclear energy.
4. Distribute the Nuclear Energy exploration sheet to each student.
5. Ask students to go to the Student Resources Web page and click on the About Nuclear Energy link.
6. Instruct students to read the nuclear energy Web pages. Explain key terms and concepts as needed and provide relevant examples.
7. Ask students to complete the Nuclear Energy exploration sheet.
8. Use an LCD projector to display the last Web page that shows the US night sky image that displays lights as seen from the sky and locations of US nuclear power plants at the front of the room. Prompt students to think about similarities among observed patterns in the two images. Discuss aloud observed patterns.
9. Review content and discuss aloud student responses to the questions on their exploration sheets. Ask students if they have any questions about concepts covered in the lesson and respond to their questions. Have students close their Web browser when they finish.
Materials Needed:
Nuclear Reactors Video Clip (QuickTime video)
Nuclear Energy Exploration Sheet (PDF / MS Word)
Assessment Information
Nuclear Energy Exploration Sheet Assessment (PDF / MS Word)
Supplemental Homework Readings for Students
Nuclear Energy (PDF)
Teacher Resources/Content Support
Nuclear Energy - Print Version (PDF)