About Hydroelectric Energy

1. Begin the class by asking students to respond to the following question in their journal: What is hydroelectric energy?
2. Inform students that they will learn about hydroelectric energy. Ask students what they know about hydroelectric energy.
3. Show students the 3 different "dam systems". Have students predict which "dam system" will create the greatest force by observing the movement of an object when the gate is released. The object will be initially placed at each dam's mouth. Each stream table has a dam with different widths and depths. Optional: Distribute the Hydroelectric Dam Energy Prediction exploration sheet to each student.
4. Have students describe the size and shape of each reservoir. Ask students which dam provides a reservoir with the greatest potential energy. Release water, one tray at a time. Have students make observations and discuss results. Discuss the energy efficiency of hydroelectric dams.
5. Distribute the Hydroelectric Energy exploration sheet to each student.
6. Instruct students to go to the Student Resources Web page and click on the About Hydroelectric Energy link.
7. Instruct students to read the hydroelectric energy content Web pages. Clarify any terms and concepts as needed and give some relevant examples.
8. Instruct students to answer questions on their exploration sheets as they read.
9. Use the hydroelectric dam image to illustrate how power is generated. Emphasize that the water behind the dam spins a turbine that generate electricity. This electricity is transported to the grid.
10. Review content and discuss aloud student responses to the questions on their exploration sheets. Ask students if they have any questions about concepts covered in the lesson and respond to their questions. Have students close their Web browser when they finish.
Materials Needed:
Water Force Demonstration
3 waterproof pans modeling clay (about 5 lbs each tray)
3 small figures (i.e. army men or plastic animals)
(1) Hydroelectric Dam Energy Demonstration Teacher Guide (PDF / MS Word)
(2) Optional: Hydroelectric Dam Energy Prediction Sheet (PDF / MS Word)
Assessment Information
Hydroelectric Energy Exploration Sheet Assessment (PDF / MS Word)
Supplemental Homework Readings for Students
Hydropower (PDF)
Teacher Resources/Content Support