Exploring Biofuels

Students will be introduced to biofuels and biomass and understand why it is a renewable energy source. They will explore uses of both historic biofuels (wood, whale oil) and current biofuels (biodiesel, ethanol, and cellulose). Students will learn about current ethanol production issues (for example, using corn vs. switch grass as a biofuel).

1. Ask students to respond to the following question in their journals: What is biomass?

2. Click here to display an image of wood, straw, a cow patty, corn, and a pond of algae scum.

3. Inform students that they will learn about biomass and biofuels. Ask learners what they know about biomass/biofuels.

4. Distribute the Exploring Biofuels exploration sheet to each student. Have students go to the About Biofuels/Biomass link on the students resources page and read about biofuels/biomass.

5. Discuss the following key points with students:
​     a) Highlight that wood has previously been used in the past in developed countries as a fuel source for heating homes and for cooking purposes. Wood is still used today for heating and cooking in developing countries.
     b) Discuss the use of biomass sources for heating fuel, electricity, and transportation needs. Give adequate examples.

​6. Ask students to answer the questions on their exploration sheets as they read.

7. Review content and discuss aloud student responses to key questions on their exploration sheets. Ask students if they have any questions about concepts covered in the lesson and respond to their questions. Have students close their Web browser when they finish.

Materials Needed:


Exploring Biofuels Exploration Sheet (PDF / MS Word)

Assessment Information

Exploring Biofuels Exploration Sheet Assessment (PDF / MS Word)

Supplemental Homework Readings for Students 

Biomass (PDF)

Teacher Resources/Content Support