Exploring Energy Production and Consumption

Students will compare and contrast regional energy production of 5 different US regions (California, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington). Students will also analyze production and consumption data of US energy sources data for both renewable and nonrenewable energy sources.
1. Begin the class by asking students to respond to the following question in their journal: What is the difference between renewable and non-renewable sources of energy?
2. Ask students to name some examples of renewable and non-renewable sources of energy.

3. Inform students that they will examine US energy production and consumption.
4. Distribute the Exploring Energy Production and Consumption handout and exploration sheet to each student.
5. Ask students to go the student resources Web page and click on the US Energy Production and Consumption link.
6. Use an LCD projector to display the 2006 Regional Energy Production in the United States Web page and show students how to examine the pie charts.
7. Have students examine the pie charts of regions with different energy mixes (California, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington). Have students fill in the 2006 Regional Energy Production Data Chart and answer questions 1-4 on their exploration sheets.
8. Display the 2007 Energy Production and Imports in the United States Web page on the LCD projector. Explain the pie charts to the students.
9. Have students examine the 2007 Energy Production and Imports in the United States pie charts and answer questions 5-8 on the their exploration sheets.
10. Instruct students to next, examine the 2007 Energy Production in the United States pie charts. Have students answer questions 9-12 on the their exploration sheets.
11. Review and discuss aloud the production and imports data and student responses to key questions. Ask students if they have any questions about concepts covered in the lesson and respond to their questions.

Implementation Suggestion:
- We recommend that the following facts be explicitly stated to the students. 
     a)  Petroleum is the most consumed energy resource in the United States. It is used primarily in the transporation sector.
     b) Coal is used to produce the most energy in the United States. This is mostly used to generate electricity.
You may wish to use the appropriate US Energy Consumption and Production pie charts to emphasize these points.

12. Collect the student exploration sheets.

Materials Needed:


Exploring Energy Production and Consumption Exploration Sheet (PDF / MS Word)

Assessment Information 

Exploring Energy Production and Consumption Exploration Sheet Assessment (PDF / MS Word)

Supplemental Homework Readings for Students 

Uses of Energy (PDF)

Teacher Resources/Content Support 

US Energy Resources

US Energy Resources - Print Version (PDF)