Energy Policy for the Isle of Navitas

Students will write an energy policy statement for their province that is based on the energy needs of their province, available energy sources, and infrastructure for production and distribution. The energy policy should maximize the use of renewable energy sources and minimize environmental impact. Students must justify their combination of energy sources based on benefits, costs, and impact assessments. Students will develop their energy policy presentation.

  1. Inform students that they will complete the writing of their energy policy statement and develop a short 5-10 minutes PowerPoint presentation of their policy.
  2. Review the guidelines for the energy policy presentation with the students.

    Emphasize the following:

​a) The PowerPoint presentation must contain a minimum of 6 slides.

b) Include graphics of your province in your presentation. It is recommended that students take screenshots from My World GIS and talk about locations for their proposed energy-generating plants during the presentation.

c) Describe the recommended energy sources and the proposed energy-generating plant locations.

d) Discuss the major infrastructure (such as building facilities) required to develop the recommended energy sources.

e) Discuss the major transportation infrastructure (such as existing highways, railroad tracks, pipelines, and grid) required for the recommended energy sources.

f) Discuss the major benefits (such as free and unlimited supply, no/little pollution) of the recommended energy sources.

g) Discuss how the recommended energy sources will impact the environment.

h) Recommend energy conservation ideas for the citizens of the Isle of Navitas.

  1. ​Distribute the Energy Policy for the Isle of Navitas Presentation Rubric to each student.
  2. Have students begin to work on their presentations.
  3. Ask students if they have any questions regarding the energy policy statement and respond to their questions.
  4. Have students self-assess their presentations with the Energy Policy for the Isle of Navitas Presentation Rubric.

Materials Needed:


(1) Energy Policy for the Isle of Navitas Handout (PDF / MS Word)

(2) Energy Policy for the Isle of Navitas Rubric (PDF / MS Word

(3) Energy Policy for the Isle of Navitas Presentation Rubric (PDF / MS Word)

Assessment Information 

Energy Policy Scoring Guide-Province of Cambria (PDF / MS Word)

Visual Guide to Assess the Isle of Navitas Activity-Province of Cambria (PDF)

Energy Policy Scoring Guide-Province of Gaul (PDF / MS Word)

Visual Guide to Assess the Isle of Navitas Activity-Province of Gaul (PDF)

Energy Policy Scoring Guide-Province of Iberia (PDF / MS Word)

Visual Guide to Assess the Isle of Navitas Activity-Province of Iberia (PDF)


Energy Policy Presentation Template

Presentation Template (PPT)