About Fossil Fuels
Students will be introduced to fossil fuels. Students will learn how fossil fuels originate, how long they take to form, how they are transported from their sources, and how they are altered for energy use. Students will understand that fossil fuels are nonrenewable and are altered for energy use.

- Ask students to respond to the following question in their journals: What are fossil fuels?
- Display 4 objects that originate from fossil fuels at the front of the room. Ask students where those materials originate. (Examples: Coal - medicine, plastic, paper; Petroleum - ink, crayons, bubble gum, dish washing liquid).
- Inform students they will learn about fossil fuels. Ask students what they know about how fossil fuels are formed.
- Use an LCD projector to show the Fossil Fuels video clip at the front of the room. We recommend that you download the file (fossil_fuels.mov) from the Web site and
play locally on your computer at double size.
- Show students the Fossil Fuels Formation Animation and the Oil and Natural Gas Formation Animation. Explain these formation processes to students.
- Distribute the Fossil Fuels exploration sheet to each student. Have students go the student resources Web page and click on the About Fossil Fuels link.
- Instruct students to read the fossil fuels content Web pages and answer questions on their exploration sheets.
- Discuss key terms and concepts on the fossil fuels Web pages as needed. Explain the term "nonrenewable energy," emphasize that fossil fuels are nonrenewable, and inform students that coal is the primary source of electricity.
- Review content and discuss aloud student responses to the questions on their exploration sheets. Ask students if they have any questions about concepts covered in the lesson and respond to their questions. Have students close their Web browser when they finish.
Materials Needed:
(1) Fossil Fuels Video Clip (QuickTime video)
(2) Fossil Fuels Formation Animation (QuickTime video)
(3) Oil and Natural Gas Formation Animation (Web link)
Assessment Information
Fossil Fuels Exploration Sheet Assessment (PDF / MS Word)
Supplemental Homework Readings for Students
Nonrenewable Energy (PDF)
Teacher Resources/Content Support
Fossil Fuels - Print Version (PDF)