Personal Energy Audit: Energy Conservation
Students will justify their conservation practice changes on their energy audit spreadsheets. Students will look at their energy audit and generate a list of ways they can conserve energy.

- Inform the students that they will justify their energy conservation practices.
- Distribute the Personal Energy Audit: Revisit investigation sheet to each student.
- Instruct students to respond to the questions on their investigation sheets. Instruct students to analyze their energy audit spreadsheet.
- Review investigation sheet responses with students. Discuss ways students reduced their personal energy consumption, the difficulties they had, and ways their family can reduce their household energy consumption.
- Prompt students to think about additional ways to conserve energy.
- Ask students if they have any questions about concepts covered in the lesson and respond to their questions.
- If students at the completion of the activity do not understand that utilizing energy conservation practices reduces their energy consumption and costs, modify instruction to ensure students understand this concept.
Materials Needed:
Students completed energy audit
Personal Energy Audit: Revisit Investigation Sheet (PDF / MS Word)
Assessment Information
Personal Energy Audit: Revisit Assessment (PDF / MS Word)
Teacher Resources/Content Support
Energy Conservation and Efficiency
Energy Conservation and Efficiency - Print Version (PDF)
Energy Basics - Print Version (PDF)