Personal Energy Audit: Energy Conservation
Students will recalculate their personal and household energy audits based on current use practices and compare it to their initial audit. Student will recalculate their energy audit and identify additional energy conservation practices they could implement. Students will reflect on new energy consumption practices and provide reasons for their behavioral changes.

- Ask students to respond to this question in their journals: What does energy conservation mean?
- Inform students that they will recalculate their energy audits based on their current consumption.
- Ask students to open Audit 2 on their energy audit spreadsheet.
- Illustrate to students how to complete the spreadsheet.
- Instruct students to complete their spreadsheetd to recalculate their personal energy audits based on their current practices. Guide the students as they do the task.
- Instruct students to compare their energy consumption and costs from the two audits.
- Have students write "YES" or "NO" in the Energy Reduction spreadsheet column for each energy use on the spreadsheet.
- Instruct students to list in the Conservation Changes spreadsheet column new conservation practice(s) they did over the past 6 weeks.
- Review and discuss student responses. Ask students if they have any questions about concepts covered in the lesson and respond to their questions.