Energy Efficiency Lab

Students will investigate concepts about energy efficiency and heat output by measuring the heat emitted from different light bulbs.
Important: Please read the Energy Efficiency Lab Teacher Guide prior to using this laboratory activity. This guide provides you with all information for equipment and set up for this laboratory investigation.
  1. Ask students to respond to this question in their journals: What is energy efficiency?
  2. Inform students they will investigate the amount of energy used by different light bulb types.
  3. Divide the class into groups of 4. Distribute the Energy Efficiency Lab handout and investigation sheet to each student.
  4. Illustrate how to measure the temperature and record the measurements.
  5. Ask students to make predictions. Instruct students to complete observations for one light bulb station at a time for a maximum of 7 minutes. After 5-7 minutes, instruct student groups to rotate to a new light bulb station. Continue until student groups have completed their Light Bulb Activity Data Collection data chart for all four stations.
  6. Have students make observations and form explanations.
  7. Instruct students to evaluate their explanations and draw conclusions. Ask students to complete the Analysis section on their investigation sheet.
  8. Ask student groups to share their conclusions with the class and explain them.
  9. Address any misconceptions students may have. Review and discuss question responses from the students' investigation sheets. See Energy Efficiency Lab Assessment for sample answers.
  10. Ask students if they have any questions about concepts covered in the lesson and respond to their questions.
  11. If students at the completion of the activity do not understand the main concepts of energy efficiency and heat output, modify future instruction to provide time to revisit these concepts.
  12. To provide closure to the energy efficiency and conservation section of the energy unit, have students reflect on what they have learned about energy efficiency and conservation. Here are some suggestions: 
         a) Have students revisit their concept map and add additional information to it.
         b) Provide students with a reflective question to respond in their journals about energy efficiency and conservation. 
              For example: Name two things you learned about energy efficiency and conservation.

Materials Needed:


(1) Energy Efficiency Lab Teacher Guide (PDF / MS Word
(2) Energy Efficiency Lab Student Handout (PDF / MS Word
(3) Energy Efficiency Lab Student Investigation Sheet (PDF / MS Word)

Assessment Information 

Energy Efficiency Lab Assessment (PDF / MS Word)

Teacher Resources/Content Support 

Energy Conservation and Efficiency

Energy Conservation and Efficiency - Print Version (PDF)

Energy Basics

Energy Basics - Print Version (PDF)