

Investigation 1: Geohazards and Me: What geologic hazards exist near me? Which plate boundary is closest to me?
In this investigation, students will locate geologic hazards created by tectonic forces near their geographic location.

Investigation 2: How do we recognize plate boundaries?
In this investigation, students will use tectonics data in a Web GIS to identify the eastern and western boundaries of the North American plate. 

Investigation 3: How does thermal energy move around the Earth?
In this investigation, students will locate areas where heat escapes from the Earth’s interior and provide evidence for a hot mantle.

Investigation 4: What happens when plates diverge?
In this investigation, students will locate different divergent boundaries and study their history.

Investigation 5: What happens when plates move sideways past each other?
In this investigation, students will locate oceanic and continental transform boundaries and study their history.

Investigation 6: What happens when plates collide?
In this activity, students will use the distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes in a Web GIS to learn about plate collision at an ocean-ocean subduction zone, and ocean-continent subduction zone.  They will also recreate a continent collision to learn about convergent zones. 

Open-Ended Investigations
This Web GIS is a compilation of all the spatial data layers used in the ELI Tectonics investigations.